QOTD + pic of the day

“And the fox said to the little prince: men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author and aviator (1900-1945) (Photo by Steve Rawley)

on writing/not writing + a photo

(Photo by Steve Rawley) Don’t feel like writing. I’m back to teaching (although I’m on winter break right now) and when I’m teaching, I’m just not into writing. When I’m writing, I’m not into teaching. So there you have it. Journals, always. Blogs, occasionally. Facebook? Too much. What’s up in your world? — nancy

our forest and journal writing

(Photo by Steve Rawley) I’ve been trying to write 10-15 pages a day in my journals (5-7 pages per journal). This is an old habit of mine, one that I slip away from now and then, and I like it. I’m keeping track of memories for my kids — funny stories, telling them how their …

photo of the day

(Photo by Steve Rawley) I was leaving work the other day and saw a man bent over the parking strip next to an apartment complex, busily taking photos. There were several crazy mushrooms like this one. I thought they were his props and started looking for the garden gnomes. A little kooky, dude, but to …